October 24, 2011
Multiple Harvey and Eisner Award – winning storyteller Mark Schultz is best known for writing and illustrating his creator-owned adventure series Xenozoic Tales, first published through Kitchen Sink in 1986 and later adapted into the cartoon Cadillacs and Dinosaurs in 1993 and 1994. Since that initial foray into storytelling, he was lured away from his post- Kutztown State gig of commercial illustration for good. Schultz has gone on to co-create SubHuman for Dark Horse and work in various capacities on many icons of fiction, among them Superman, Tarzan, Star Wars, Conan, Flash Gordon, Aliens, the Spirit, and Predator. Recent projects include illustrating the autobiography of legendary dinosaur artist Charles R. Knight for G.T. Labs and writing The Stuff of Life: A Graphic Guide to Genetics and DNA for Hill and Wang. In addition to his regular freelance work, Schultz has written the weekly Prince Valiant newspaper strip since 2004 and is currently working on Storms at Sea, an illustrated novella, for Flesk Publications.
Schultz enjoys hiking, traveling, classic movies, and keeping up on the latest developments in natural science. He lives with his wife Denise and two cats in northeastern Pennsylvania, across the state from his childhood home of Pittsburgh.
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