June 24, 2019

The Center for Cartoon Studies is happy to present This is What Democracy Looks Like: A Graphic Guide to Governance. This short comic guide helps to bring democracy back to the hands of the people by explaining what democracy actually means and how the whole thing works. This free guide will be a great jumping off point to learn about our government, which one can only hope will lead to participation.
The comic was created by Dan Nott with editing by James Sturm and several contributors and collaborators. We are starting a Kickstarter on July 1 to fund the tour, with drawings and civic workshops! So mark your calendar and get ready to be informed.

Creative Team
- Lead cartoonist Dan Nott ′18, creator of Hidden Systems, a graphic novel about how the internet works (Random House Graphic, 2021) and Nomi Kane ’11 (The Nib) provided early input on the project
- Editor and contributing cartoonist James Sturm, creator of Off Season (Drawn & Quarterly, 2019)
- “We Voted Comic” by Summer Pierre, creator of All the Sad Songs (Retrofit, 2018)
- “People Power” by Hallie Jay Pope, creator of Unholy Adventures and the Graphic Advocacy Project
- Cover by Kevin Czap, creator of Fütchi Perp (Czap Books, 2015) and publisher of Czap Books
Tags: All the Sad Songs, Dan Nott, Hallie Jay Pope, Hidden Systems, James Sturm, Kickstarter, Summer Pierre, This Is What Democracy Looks Like