April 6, 2017
The DINKys are the awards at the Denver Independent Comics and Art Expo and are in their second year. This weekend is DINK, and the awards are announced Saturday, April 8 at 7:30 p.m. The Center for Cartoon Studies family has some wonderful representatives! Good luck to you all!

Librarian Santiago Naranjo (′09) reading Something New by Lucy Knisley
Best-Work Self Published
Scraps by John Carvajal (’15)
Best Work from a Small Press – how are we to choose?!
Blammo #9 by Noah van Sciver (fellow 15-16)
Talk Dirty to Me by Luke Howard (’13)
A City Inside by Tillie Walden (’16)
Outstanding Anthology
Something New by Lucy Knisley (’09)
Best Mini
Iron scars, volumes 1 and 2, by Colleen Frakes (′07)
A City Inside by Tillie Walden (′16)
Check out the incredible list of nominees on Denver Independent Comics and Art Expo site!
Photos courtesy Abe Olson.
Tags: A City Insid, awards, Cartoon Studies, Colleen Frakes, DINKy, John Carvajal, Lucy Knisley, Luke Howard, Noah Van Sciver, Something New, Tillie Walden