Tillie Walden ′16, beloved power-house, was recently included in the first 10 Storytellers to Watch event, hosted by Variety and Independent Film Project (IFP), for her graphic novel On a Sunbeam (First Second, 2018). Originally published online, On a Sunbeam interweaves the timelines of a ragtag crew traveling deep space to repair beautiful broken structures and two girls who meet and fall in love at boarding school. The Storytellers event honors breakout storytellers, including podcasters, novelists, lyricists, playwrights, graphic novelists, and brand storytellers. A luncheon was held in New York City on September 19 as part of IFP week.
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Tags: 10 Storytellers to Watch, Award, First Second, IFP, On A Sunbeam, Tillie Walden, Variety