Sophie Goldstein (′13) is cartoonist, illustrator, and comics instructor based in the great city of Pittsburgh, Philadelphia. Her book The Oven, published by AdHouse Books, won two Ignatz awards and was nominated for the Cartoonist Studio Prize. Her latest book, House of Women—a collection of the Ignatz award-winning, self-published mini comic series—will be coming out from Fantagraphics this fall. Sophie’s first comics endeavor was Darwin Carmichael is Going to Hell, a web comic co-written with Jenn Jordan. It was self-published with funding from Kickstarter in 2013. Sophie has also illustrated a children’s book, Poopy Claws (Overdue Media, 2012), written by Gene Ambaum. Her work has appeared in various publications, including Best American Comics 2013 (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2013), Fable Comics (First Second, 2015), The Pitchfork Review, Cricket Magazine, Sleep of Reason (Iron Circus, 2013), and Symbolia Magazine, among others.
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Tags: AdHouse Books, Best American Comics, Cartoon Studies, cartoonist studio prize, Darwin Carmichael is Going to Hell, Fable Comics, Fantagraphics, Gene Ambaum, House of Women, Ignatz Award, Jenn Jordan, Overdue Media, Poopy Claws, Self-published, Sleep of Reason, Sophie Goldstein, The Oven, Visiting Artist, Web Comic