R. Sikoryak is best known for his collection Masterpiece Comics. He was formerly an associate editor and contributor to RAW, the groundbreaking 1980s comic
anthology. He’s drawn for The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The Onion, Nickelodeon,The New Yorker, and other media titans. Sikoryak is also known for his “Carousel” series of multimedia comics slideshows, featuring cartoonists like Lauren Weinstein, Michael Kupperman, Jason Little, and himself, which have been presented in various venues in the United States and Canada since 1997. Sikoryak relocated to White River Junction for the 2011-12 academic year to teach at The Center for Cartoon Studies.
Tags: Bob Sikoryak, Carousel, Masterpiece Comics, Nickelodean, R. Sikoryak, RAW, The Daily Show, The New Yorker, The Onion