Industry Day 2017 panel
This Industry Day, The Center for Cartoon Studies was treated to a wide range of industry veterans from agents and editors to publishers. From the big comics publishers, we had our own Robyn Chapman, currently an editor at First Second. Representing the publishing industry news reporters, Calvin Reid is the senior news editor at Publisher’s Weekly, a weekly news magazine about the international book publishing business. Representing the big publishers, Sheila Keenan is a nonfiction editor at Penguin Random House. A comics agent, Tanya McKinnon came from McKinnon McIntyre. And from the independent comics publishers, we had Kevin Czap from Czap Books.
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Tags: Alumni, and Kevin Czap, Calvin Reid, Cartoon Studies, Czap Books, First Second, Industry Day, McKinnon McIntyre, Penguin Random House, Publishers Weekly, Robyn Chapman, Sheila Keenan, Tanya McKinnon