Graphic Medicine is an annual conference examining and celebrating the role of comics in the study and delivery of healthcare. The next conference will be held at The Center for Cartoon Studies on August 16–19, 2018. They have an open call for papers.
News! The keynote speakers this year are David Macaulay (The Way Things Work) and Susan Merrill Squier (Brill Professor Emerita at Pennsylvania State University).

They are looking for abstracts that focus on health, medicine, and comics (in any form). For example, using comics for clinical interventions, accessing funding sources, engaging with care communities, working with disability injustice, and more. Previous presentations have included “The Process of Comics: Reflection, Identity, Access” lightning talks and “Drawing How the Brain Experiences Trauma” workshop.
There are a few types of presentations. Lightning talks are short, 5-minute presentations introducing a new, ongoing, or completed work.
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Tags: call for papers, Cartoon Studies, Comics and Medicine, David Macaulay, Graphic Medicine, open submission, Susan Merrill Squier