Lucy Knisley ′09 (Kid Gloves, First Second, 2019) and Melanie Gillman ′12 (As the Crow Flies, Iron Circus, 2017) are authors at this year’s Brooklyn Book Festival, September 16-23.
The Brooklyn Book Festival features free and low-cost programs celebrating reading, authors, discussion, and published literature. As New York City’s largest free literary festival, the show presents programs that are hip, smart, diverse, and inclusive. The festival presents challenging, engaging, and thoughtful programming in the areas of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, graphic novels, youth, and children literature. Other cartoonists you can find at this year’s show include Kevin Huizenga (The River at Night, Drawn and Quarterly, 2019), MariNaomi (Gravity’s Pull, Graphic Universe, 2019), Dylan Meconis (Queen of the Sea, Candlewick, 2019), and Ben Passmore (Your Black Friend and Other Strangers, Silver Sproket, 2016).
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Tags: As the Crow Flies, Brooklyn Book Festival, First Second, Graphic Novel, Iron Circus, Kid Gloves, Lucy Knisley, Melanie Gillman, Relish, Stage Dreams