Recently released The Oven by alumna Sophie Goldstein ′13 is about a young couple who travel out of their protected, domed city to “The Oven,” a natural commune where people live technology and state/government-free lives, grow their own food, sew their own clothes, live off the land.

Here is a link to the A.V. CLUB review by Zainab Akhtar. Check your local bookstore or order a copy or The Oven online!
Sophie is a winner of a 2014 Ignatz award for her minicomic House of Women, pt 1. Her work appeared in various publications, including Best American Comics 2013, Symbolia, Irene 3, and The Pitchfork Review. See more of Sophie’s work online: redinkradio.com
Tags: A.V. Club, Ad House, CCS Alumni, House of Women, Ignatz, Sophie Goldstein, The Oven