How We Read
A Graphic Guide to Literacy
“We believe in the message Reading sends with all our hearts and minds. The words and images Daryl Seitchik created speak deep truths, every page communicating humor and compassion – and lots of solid information. We are two people who’ve dedicated our lives to improving reading outcomes for students from all backgrounds, ages and experiences. We also have plenty of family members who struggled mightily with reading. Since we believe everyone has the right to feel at home with reading, we’re celebrating the arrival of this unique resource and invite you to share it far and wide.”
— David and Meredith Liben, Reading Done Right
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How do comics support literacy?
For many, learning to read can be a struggle. What are the five keys to learning? How does the brain learn how to sound out written words? Why was writing even invented? What are the benefits of reading? How do comics support literacy? How We Read: A Graphic Guide to Literacy is a charming, playful, and fascinating 32-page comic book that answers these questions and more. Whether you are trying to learn how to read or trying to help someone who is, this comic will help.
This comic was written and drawn by The Center for Cartoon Studies graduate Daryl Seitchik ’18, a cartoonist and teacher currently living in Vermont. She has taught comics workshops for children, teens, and adults at schools, libraries, birthday parties, and museums all throughout New England, and has enjoyed expanding her reach through virtual classes on Zoom.

This comic was created in partnership with The Center for Cartoon Studies and Student Achievement Partners, an organization that provides free, ready-to-use classroom resources that support excellent, standards-aligned instruction for all students. achievethecore.org