December 10, 2019

Americana (And the Act of Getting Over It) (NoBrow, 2019) by Luke Healy ′14 is one of the best graphic novels of 2019 on Book Depository. Book Depository is a leading international book retailer that ships thousands of books every day from fulfillment centers in Gloucester, United Kingdom, and Melbourne, Australia, to more than 130 countries across the world.
In Americana, Luke Healy tells the tale of his personal challenge to walk the Pacific Crest Trail, which runs 2660 miles, from California’s border with Mexico to Washington’s border with Canada. In a hybrid book combining text and comics, he shares his experiences on the trail, with his view after growing up in Ireland and idolizing America.

“…his thoughtful storytelling provides a funny and honest peek into a life-changing quest most people will never experience firsthand, making it appealing for hiking enthusiasts and couch potatoes alike.”
Ingrid Bohnenkamp on Library Journal
Reviews of Americana:
- “…a tour de force of parallel narratives and meta-commentary that played with multiple presentational approaches.”—Andy Oliver on Broken Frontier
- “Americana is as epic as the hike he took. At over 300 pages with the mixed narrative presentations, there’s a lot packed in there, both high emotion and calm rumination.”—John Seven on Comics Beat
- “Healy is able to remind us not just from one page to the next but from one moment to another how complicated it is to have a relationship with America, in all its vastness and complexity.”—Leonard Piece on The Comics Journal
- “While I very much enjoyed taking in the changing landscapes, the towns, the trails, I think for me Americana shines most when Luke is describing and depicting his interactions with other people.”—Joe Goron on Down the Tubes
Tags: Americana, Luke Healy, Nobrow, on sale