April 20, 2020

NORA KRUG‘s memoir Belonging: A German Reckons with History and Home (foreign edition title Heimat), about WWII and her own German family history was chosen as a New York Times Critics’ Top Books of 2018, as one of The Guardian’s 50 Biggest Books of Autumn 2018 and Best Books of 2018, as an NPR Book of the Year 2018,
as one of Kirkus Reviews’ Best Memoirs of 2018 as one of Time Magazine’s 8 Must-Read Books you May Have Missed in 2018, one of the San Fransisco Chronicle’s Best Books of 2018, one of The Boston Globe’s Best Books of 2018, and for the January 2019 SWR Bestenliste. It was the winner of the 2019 National Book Critics Circle Award (Autobiography Category), of the Lynd Ward Graphic Novel Prize, the Art Directors Club gold cube and discipline winner cube, the British Book Design and Production Award, the Literaturförderpreis of the city of Aalen, the Evangelischer Buchpreis, and the Ludwig-Marum-Preis.
Click here to view the live event stream recording.

Tags: Belonging: A German Reckons, Leslie Center for Humanities at Dartmouth, Nora Krug, Will Eisner