The Cornish CCS Residency Fellowship
Located in Cornish and at the country’s premier cartooning college, The Cornish CCS Residency is designed to create a focused and inspiring environment for cartoonists in order to create exceptional work. Cornish is located 16 miles from The Center for Cartoon Studies (CCS) in rural New Hampshire.
Residency Dates
We are currently taking applications for the following residency:
2025 Residency Dates, Oct. 21- Nov. 21
Set on 12 acres in rural Cornish, NH, the secluded home is reached by traveling a mile and half down a winding dirt road. The one-bedroom apartment is equipped with a kitchen, studio, and claw foot tub.
Studio Space and Resources
As part of the residency, The Center for Cartoon Studies (CCS) will provide the Resident with access to its classrooms, The Schulz Library, and production lab (that includes computers, large format scanners, and printers). The Center for Cartoon Studies is located in White River Junction, VT, 16 miles from Cornish.
An honorarium of $3,000 will be provided.
Requirement/Eligibility Checklist
- Must have a valid driver’s license and own or rent a car for the duration of the residency. Cornish is a very rural location with a 20-minutes drive (16 miles) from The Center for Cartoon Studies campus. Biking is not a commuting option for this fellowship.
- No additional persons or pets may accompany you. No visitors or guests are allowed during the residency.
- Must be comfortable living in a rural and quiet residential setting. Cornish is a remote small town and the property is several miles from a grocery store. Cornish NH, where the residency is located, is about a 20-minutes drive from The Center for Cartoon Studies (White River Junction, VT).
- Unfortunately, we are currently not accepting international applicants for this fellowship given the challenges in securing a visa for the short duration of the program.
Covid-19 vaccination requirements and other related protocols will be determined as the date nears and as travel information becomes available from both New Hampshire and Vermont.
Application Deadline
- April 1, 2025 (for the 2025 Residency)
Application Form
- Click here for the application form.
Application for Residency
The Application will request the following information:
- Description of project
- Samples specific to the proposed project (PDF)
- Samples of work or portfolio (PDF or link)
- References (submit name + email) or a letter of reference (may be emailed to:
Based on previous judging cycles with too many disorganized PDFs, only submissions meeting the following requirements will be considered:
We ask that residency applicants take a look at compressing large PDF files. Here is the information from Adobe. Please only do so if the Adobe compression does not impact the reading experience of your work. If you can do this, it will decrease your upload time.
We also recommend splitting large files (those over 100MB PDF’s) into two, as shown here on the Adobe site.
You may abbreviate your project title for file naming if desired.
PDF File Requirements:
- Please send PDFs only of no more than two (Max 100MB files total) per submission
- PDF file naming convention for the Cornish-CCS Residency Fellowship is:
- CreatorLastName.CreatorFirstName.ProjectTitle.Cornish2025.pdf for your project PDF and
- CreatorLastName.CreatorFirstName.Portfolio.Cornish2025.pdf for additional samples of your prior work.
Cartoonist Harry Bliss bought the house in the summer of 2016. Bliss, a longtime staff cartoonist at The New Yorker and former The Center for Cartoon Studies (CCS) board member, worked with CCS to create this residency.
- Read the Fellowship Residency 2019 Report
- Read The Cornish CCS Residency Fellowship 2018 Report
About Cornish, New Hampshire
Established in 1763, the town was once known as Mast Camp, because it was the shipping point for the tall masts floated down the river by English settlers. Incorporated in 1765 it was named for Sir Samuel Cornish, a distinguished vice-admiral of the Royal Navy. Saint-Gaudens in Cornish also became a well-known summer resort for artists and writers. Seeking a studio away from the summer heat of New York City, sculptor Augustus Saint-Gaudens began coming to Cornish in 1885. Artist friends followed him, transforming the area into a popular artists’ colony. The Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site in Cornish is at his former home and studio, and hosts summer concerts as well as ongoing exhibits. Cornish is also the site of the longest two-span covered bridge in the world and is home to four covered bridges in all. Cornish NH is about a 20-minute drive from The Center for Cartoon Studies.
About The Center for Cartoon Studies
The Center for Cartoon Studies (CCS) offers a two-year course of study that centers on the creation and dissemination of comics, graphic novels, and other manifestations of the visual narrative. Experienced and internationally recognized cartoonists, writers, and designers teach classes. CCS programs include a two-year Master of Fine Arts degree, One- and Two-Year Certificates in Cartooning, and workshops. The school is located in the historic downtown village of White River Junction, Vermont.
Read more about The Cornish CCS Residency in The New Yorker
Photographs of the property: