June 4, 2024

The debut graphic novel by Coco Fox ’19, LET’S GO, COCO!, is now available for pre-order through HarperCollins.

“In this earnestly funny middle-grade graphic novel debut, eleven-year-old Coco will stop at nothing to make new friends on her basketball team… Told with tenderness, humor, and above all heart, Coco Fox delivers a sorta-true story about taking your best shot, even when the odds are stacked against you.” —HarperStacks

In real-life, author and cartoonist Coco played two years for her middle-school basketball team in Indiana. LET’S GO, COCO! will be available wherever books are sold on August, 13, 2024.

Coco Fox earned an MFA from The Center for Cartoon Studies (CCS) in 2019. During her time with us, she worked with CCS co-founder James Sturm on outreach efforts for the educational graphic novel, THIS IS WHAT DEMOCRACY LOOKS LIKE, published by CCS. 

“In fall of 2019, I worked as a graphic facilitator on The Center for Cartoon Studies’ ‘This is What Democracy Looks Like’ tour. The tour consisted of visiting several schools a day drawing alongside James Sturm’s lectures about civic engagement.

We were able to teach and engage with middle schoolers and high schoolers by talking about democracy in a visual way. I learned a lot about how to use comics as a tool for explaining difficult concepts. It was also a crash course in live cartooning that opened my eyes to a skill I didn’t know I had.” —Coco Fox ‘19

You can check out Coco’s work and her latest projects on her website

Order a copy of Let’s Go, Coco! from your local bookshop today!

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