Big CCS Showing at SPX 2024 and 4 Ignatz Award Nominees

August 5, 2024

Cartoon Studies students, alumni, and faculty are headed to Small Press Expo 2024 en masse—60 strong!! Join us for workshops, panels, tabling—and the Ignatz Awards—at the premier event for graphic novels, comics and cartooning! SPX takes place September 14-15, in Bethesda, Maryland.

CCS Ignatz nominees include Robyn Smith ‘17 and CCS fellow (2011-12) Julie Delporte, both for Outstanding Artist; Daryl Seitchik ‘18 for Outstanding Comic; and Ana Two ‘24 for Outstanding Mini-Comic.

SPX special guests include Beth Hetland ‘11, and faculty Emma Hunsinger ‘20, Tillie Walden ‘16, and faculty Glynnis Fawkes.

SPX Lecture at the Library of Congress:
Tillie Walden ’16, Ideas for Tomorrow, The Future of Queer Comics

September 13, 12-1pm, Free. Dining Hall A – 6th Floor Madison Building – 101 Independence Ave. Washington, D.C.

Join us as award-winning artist and author Tillie Walden discusses her career and process while also considering the future of the medium in light of all of the challenges facing creators and books alike. A small display of materials from the Library of Congress’ Small Press Expo (SPX) Collection will accompany the talk. 

Click here for more information on this and SPX local events.

SPX Workshops featuring CCS alumni include:

  • Paper Possibilities: Exploring One-Sheet Zine Formats with Kori Handwerker ‘19
  • Figure Drawing For Cartoonists with Babs New ‘14 and Danielle Corsetto (18+ Only)
  • Jokes with a Twist! with Coco Fox ‘20 and Annabel Driussi ‘23
  • Making Comics With Unconventional Materials with Filipa Estrela ‘21
  • Asking Questions With Comics with Dan Nott ‘18 and Sophie Yanow ‘16 
  • Mindful Drawing with Cara Bean (CCS Cornish Fellow ‘18)

SPX Panels featuring CCS alumni and staff include: 

  • Communicating Science with Cara Bean  (CCS Cornish Fellow ‘18)
  • The Art Of Mark-Making: Loose Lines, Squiggles, & Stylizations with Sophie Yanow ‘16
  • Queer Sports with Tillie Walden ‘16 and Coco Fox ‘20
  • The New Publishers with Daryl Seitchik ‘18 and Rachel Bivens ‘23
  • Reproductive Rights with Anna Sellheim ‘16
  • Gardening, Foraging, and Living Off The Land with Iona Fox ‘15
  • Back to School with Anna Sellheim ‘16, Jarad Greene ‘17, and Emma Hunsinger ‘20
  • Ripping The Flesh: The Viscerality Of Body Horror with Andi Santagata ‘18
  • Big Concepts In Non-Fiction with CCS faculty Glynnis Fawkes and Dan Nott ‘18
  • SOLRADIO Live: Spotlight On Beth Hetland ‘11

In addition to so many more students and alumni tabling throughout the convention, including Robyn Smith ‘17, Rachel Dukes ‘13, Jarad Greene ‘17, Luke Healy ‘14, Andi Santaga ‘18, student Edea Giang, and myriad more!

And don’t forget to come by the CCS table to say Hi! and to meet current students Mia Dutton and Adrienne Adkins. We can’t wait to see everyone!

The Ignatz Award was named in honor of the comic strip character Krazy Katz by George Herriman. Since 1997, the Small Press Expo has awarded the prize to take note of outstanding achievements in comics and cartooning. “The Ignatz recognizes exceptional work that challenges popular notions of what comics can achieve, both as an art form and as a means of personal expression.”  

More information on the Small Press Expo can be found here:

To cast your vote for the Ignatz Award, visit:

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