March 3, 2019
Event date: –
A Will Eisner Week lecture
Thursday March 7, 3pm
CCS Post Office building, 46 South Main Street
This lecture is open to the public.
Cara Bean is the author of Draw 500 Funny Faces and Features and has been teaching art in the United States for thirteen years. Her work has been featured in Pen America Illustrated, The Women’s Review of Books, and Teaching Arts Magazine. She provides public drawing and creativity workshops that explore how the beginning of complex ideas emerge from the simple act of doodling on paper. Cara has taken a leave from her teaching position to focus on creating comics that speak directly to kids about mental health. She is The Center for Cartoon Studies Cornish Residency Fellow.
Tags: Cara Bean, cartoonstudies, Cornish Fellow, Draw 500 Funny Faces and Features, Pen America Illustrated, Visiting Artist, Will Eisner, Will Eisner Week