Coming in 2023 from Princeton University Press, Glynnis Fawkes is adapting Eric Cline’s 1177 BC as a graphic novel. Archaeologist Cline’s book traces the downfall of the many interconnected civilizations of the Late Bronze Age. And now Glynnis is bringing it to life: “imagining life in the ancient world, drawing ancient art, and figuring out the tech side of putting this book together.”
CCS faculty Glynnis Fawkes is returning to some of her cartooning roots with this graphic novel. She began working as an illustrator on excavations in 1998, traveling to sites in Greece, Crete, Turkey, Israel, Cyprus, Syria, and Lebanon. After a Fulbright Fellowship to Cyprus, she published two books: one of paintings, and another of cartoons.
She is a recipient of a 2019–20 Vermont Arts Council Creation Grant for another book already scheduled for after 1177 BC. Hooray! This new book will be aimed at middle-grade readers. Coming from Holiday House, it is also set in the Bronze Age but is a surprisingly different project.

Her previous books include The Center for Cartoon Studies Presents Charlotte Brontë Before Jane Eyre (Little, Brown Books for Young Readers), Persephone’s Garden (Secret Acres), Reign of Crumbs (Kilgore), and Greek Diary. Her comics have been nominated for an Ignatz award, The Cartoonist Studio Prize, and won the Society of Illustrators MoCCA Award for Excellence in 2016 and 2017.

Tags: 1177 BC, CCS Faculty, Eric Cline, Eric Cline's 1177 BC, Glynnis Fawkes, Graphic Novel, Greek Diary, Little, new book, Princeton University Press, Reign of Crumbs, The Center for Cartoon Studies Presents Charlotte Brontë Before Jane Eyre, Vermont Arts Council