American Library Association has compiled a lengthy reading list of graphic novels that draws attention to the Black experiences of the past and present. Supporting the Black Caucus of the American Library Association as well as the Black community at large, they created this list of books to demand a new future for our Black friends and neighbors.

Several creators on the list have been visiting artists at CCS, including Jerry Craft (New Kid), Joel Christian Gill (Strange Fruit), Ronald Wimberly (Black History in Its Own Words), Nate Powell (March), Gene Luen Yang (Superman Smashes the Klan), and Ben Passmore (Your Black Friend). If you think the list is missing an excellent graphic novel title and want to suggest it, American Library Association is taking suggestions.
Here are some highlights from the list you can find in The Schulz Library at The Center for Cartoon Studies. Time to get reading!
Kids’ Graphic Novels

Kindred by Octavia Butler, Damian Duffy, and John Jennings
Strange Fruit by Joel Christian Gill
Tales of the Talented Tenth by Joel Christian Gill
Young Adult Graphic Novels
Drown City: Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans by Don Brown
Fights: One Boy’s Triumph over Violence by Joel Christian Gill
Malcolm X by Andrew Helfer and Randy DuBurke

March by John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and Nate Powell
Pitch Black by Anthony Horton and Youme Landowne

Race to Incarcerate by Marc Mauer and Sabrina Jones
Adult Graphic Novels
The Harlem Hellfighters by Max Brooks
Incognegro by Mat Johnson and Warren Pleece
King by Ho Che Anderson

The Life of Frederick Douglass by David F. Walker, Damon Smyth, and Marissa Louise
Yellow Negroes and Other Imaginary Creatures by Yvam Alagbe

Your Black Friend by Ben Passmore
Tags: ALA, American Library Association, Andrew Aydin, Andrew Helfer, Anthony Horton, Ben Passmore, black lives matter, Damian Duffy, Damon Smyth, David F. Walker, Don Brown, Drown City, Fights, Ho Che Anderson, Incognegro, Joel Christian Gill, John Jennings, John Lewis, Kindred, King, Malcolm X, Marc Mauer, March, Marissa Louise, Mat Johnson, Max Brooks, Nate Powell, Octavia Butler, Pitch Black, Race to Incarcerate, Randy DuBurke, reading list, Sabrina Jones, Schulz Library, Strange Fruit, The Harlem Hellfighters, The Life of Frederick Douglass, Warren Please, Yellow Negroes and Other Imaginary Creatures, Youme Landowne, Your Black Friend, Yvam Alagbe