Request for Proposal (RFP) for Architectural and Enginnering Design Services

The Center for Cartoon Studies (hereafter referred to as “CCS”) is issuing this Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Telegraph Renovation Project. The project entails renovating the former New England Telephone and Telegraph Company building, now vacant, located at 111 Gates St, White River Junction, VT 05001. CCS seeks to select one (1) firm to complete architectural design work, engineering design work, construction documents, and procurement of construction management services for this redevelopment project. This work will be informed by pre-design documentation already prepared for CCS: conceptual space plans, as-built plans, a preliminary architectural feasibility report, and an energy analysis report. A schematics package is attached to this RFP.

Click here to read the complete RFP.

Updated Schedule:

Question Period Closing: Fri, December 6 by 1pm
Answers Posted: Monday, December 9
Submissions Due: Thursday, December 19 by 4pm
Opening of Proposals: Friday, December 20 at 10am at 46 South Main

Modifications to RFP:

Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP). MEP services have been removed from base bid requirements; however, firms wanting to submit an add alternate bid for MEP are encouraged to do so, following the schedule outlined above. (date modified: December 5, 2024)

Cost Proposal (pg 6)
CCS is seeking an Hourly Not To Exceed Contract for architectural/engineering services,
construction documents, and construction management procurement. The cost proposal must be
separate from the technical scope, listing the prime firm(s) and each anticipated subcontractor
separately, and must include the following:

1. An estimated cost breakdown for each task identified in the proposed scope of work (see
section 7 of this RFP), including an anticipated hourly rate schedule for all staff job categories. Distinguish between direct labor, fringe, indirect/overhead, fees and markups, travel, and unit costs.
2. An itemized breakdown of any proposed subcontractor costs, direct expenses, and markup rate.
3. Note that all mileage rates must match the standard reimbursement rates for businesses
established by the General Services Administration. Markups may not be charged on mileage. (date modified: December 5, 2024)


Does this project have to fully comply with BABAA:
Yes, the NBRC compliance manual affirms that the project must be fully compliant with BABAA. However, in very rare instances, and only with prior approval, waivers can be issued for public interest, nonavailability, or unreasonable cost reasons.

Act 250 Considerations:
– This project/site won’t require Act250

Section 106:
– The Telegraph is not on the historic site list
– The property is classified as a non-contributing resource on the NPS form 10-900 for the historic district due to alterations
– NBRC’s environmental consultant submitted a Section 106 on behalf of CCS with VDHP in May 2024 as part of the NEPA review. CCS received a CatEx Determination from NBRC wherein it is stated, “NBRC has consulted with VDHP via email regarding the Proposed Action on 7/16/24, where it was determined the Telegraph Building has been identified as “non-contributing” to the existing historic district of White River Junction according to the most recent update of the National Register nomination. Accordingly, NBRC is requesting a Section 106 Consultation Letter Requesting “No Historic Properties Affected” for this project. VDHP has agreed to this arrangement upon their previous project review.”